Monday, August 19, 2013

Bonaire- Scuba, Snorkeling and Fine Dining

                     Dining, Snorkeling,Dining,Snorkeling...

When we say we are going to Bonaire the typical reaction is, "Where?".  This is the B of the ABC islands in the Carribean- A- Aruba, B-Bonaire and C-Curacao,part of the Dutch Antilles.  Just 50 miles north of Venezuela and very close to the Equator, it is known for several things. The  island is about 24 miles long and the entire island is a National Marine Park.  With over 63 dive/snorkel sites, it is one of the  world's premier destinations for viewing ocean aquatic life. Also, donkeys freely roam the island and is part of the charm.

 For us, it is, of course, also a food destination! My brother, Bob, has had a house on the island for 25+ years and we were there for a sibling reunion.  He knows all the restaurants and more importantly the owners and chefs!

Our first dinner was at Zee Zicht (yes, a Dutch name). Terry had the barracuda. One would think this would be a bony fish,
but it is not! Maybe it was a really big one... this could not be fresher. Bob loves conch which is tricky to prepare; if not done correctly, it can be very tough. This dish was juicy and just to his liking! Donna & Giorgio's was another treat. I had the Seafood Mixed Grill  and my sister's partner, Jerry, had the Spaghetti  Seafood (both entrees were enough for 2 meals).

For a true gourmet delight Cappricio's is the place! Bob contacted the owner/chef and pre-ordered a tasting menu with wine accompaniments. We began with a carpaccio of wahoo with celery sorbet; followed by grilled shrimp with artichoke and mozzarella; goat's milk ravioli; guinea fowl with 
caramelized onion and cherries; finishing with strawberries and coffee gelato. 

Chef at work

Not only was everything delicious, visually gorgeous, but the surprise element of what was going to be served next and what wine would be served was very fun! Thanks, Bob!

Another not to miss spot is Jibe City located in Lac Bay, just a few miles from the downtown of Kralendijk- let's not forget the island is only so big.  This is the quintessential "BEACH BAR"! It is also one of the world's best places to learn to wind surf with constant breezes, a huge safe bay area and water that is only a few feet deep. Of course, the food is wonderfully fresh!


  View from the tables
Sails that look like butterfly wings

Wonderful trio of salads- smoked salmon, tuna and crab!

So come to the island, the color of the water really has to be seen to believe. Enjoy some of the world's best snorkeling & diving. Being in the ocean always works up an appetite; end your hunger pangs with some fresh and wonderful meals!

As always,

Bon Appetite!

Vivien and Terry